Making an Appointment

Appointments can be made by contacting the reception team (1800 626 943) to arrange for your appointment in either of the clinics - Camperdown & Nowra.

For your appointment, please bring along:

  • Medicare and any private health insurance details

  • An up to date referral (this allows you to be able to claim your medicare rebate)

    • We will aim to inform your before your appointment if a new referral is required

  • Any recent tests or imaging results

  • List of current medications

  • List of and details of previous surgeries

  • Details of regular GP and regular dentist (to allow for correspondence)

For your first appointment, we will ask for you to complete a patient registration form. This may be emailed and completed prior to your appointment. The above documents will help to complete the registration documents.

What to expect at your appointment

We appreciate that there may be a lot of information and stress when attending the hospital. We encourage you to bring along a support person and please let the reception team know if you would like an interpreter for your appointment (we will do our best to arrange an onsite interpreter).

Dr. Manzie will review your history in relation to the reason for the appointment. He will review any available scans or biopsy results and help to explain these findings. In a number of cases, it may be necessary to arrange for new or updated investigations such as imaging or biopsies following this initial appointment. If it is required, Dr. Manzie may want to review the back of your nose, throat or vocal cords with a nasendoscopy, a small, flexible camera passed that can be passed through your nose.  It may also be required to perform additional biopsies under local anaesthesia.

For straightforward cases, Dr. Manzie may discuss treatment options with you, including consent for an upcoming procedure. While you will have further opportunities, please feel free to ask questions so that you can understand the indications as well as the risks of the procedure. Dr. Manzie will be happy to explain any procedures with you on the day and in the lead up to your procedure.

In complex cases, such as those with a new diagnosis of a cancer, Dr. Manzie may refer you to a colleague who will be involved in your care. For cases requiring a hospital admission greater than a week or patients with complex medical needs, you may also be referred for review with one of our specialist nurses and Anaethetists. In addition and with your permission, Dr. Manzie may discuss your case at a multidisciplinary team to seek the opinion of his colleagues.