Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Procedures

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Dr. Manzie has extensive experience in managing simple and complex dental extractions. This includes the removal of wisdom teeth, additional (supernumerary) teeth and impacted teeth. As a medically trained doctor, he has experience in managing patients with complex medical co-morbidities and their associated complications.

Exposure of Teeth

Information coming soon.

Dental Implants

The placement of dental implants allows comprehensive management of patients missing one, many or all of their teeth. Dr. Manzie has undergone additional training in the placement of zygomatic and pterygoid implants to allow the placement of dental implants without the need for bone grafts or in complex cases where the bone may have been removed due to pathology or disease. With his special interest in facial reconstruction, with his Prosthodontic and Anaplastologist colleagues, he has training in the placement of craniofacial implants which can replace missing body parts including ears, eyes and noses. Dr. Manzie attends the fortnightly multidisciplinary meeting at Chris O’Brien Lifehouse Hospital where he and his colleagues discuss and plan the most complex of facial deformity cases.

Zygomatic Implants

Information coming soon.

Facial Trauma

The management of facial trauma remains core to Dr. Manzie’s surgical training. Having spent four years of his training at a tertiary trauma hospital, Dr. Manzie has had extensive exposure and experience in the management of facial trauma. This includes the management of fracture bones (eye sockets, cheekbones (zygoma), noses and the top (maxilla) or bottom (mandible) jaw.

Orthognathic Surgery

In cases of facial deformity (acquired through trauma or unequal growth) or difficulty with function (malocclusion, altered dental bite or obstructive sleep apnoea) it may be possible to undergo orthognathic surgery. Often combined with braces, it is possible to realign the jaws through corrective surgery.

Bone Grafts

Through either a difficult dental extraction or as part of the natural changes following tooth removal, bone grafting may be required to allow the placement of dental implants. Bone grafting allows for the placement of dental implants where they may usually not be possible. Dr. Manzie has training in the use of non-vascularised bone (sourced from the mouth or hip) as well as vascularised bone grafts (the transplant of bone from the lower leg, shoulder blade or hip). 

Jaw Cysts

Information coming soon.